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Nur weil das politisches Angebot scheiße ist, gibt das wirklich NIEMANDEM einen Grund Faschisten zu wählen.

Nazis haben verdient geschlagen zu werden. Selbst schuld, wenn die sich so aufreizend anziehen. Damit muss man eben rechnen.

For the past two months my Twitter timeline has been mostly tweets from people I don’t follow, so it’s great that Twitter has now added a new “following” tab which is also mostly tweets from people I don’t follow

If you block everything twitter suggests as sponsored or recommended, then it becomes at least a halfway usable app.

@PalmerReport Twitter could have an unlimited character limit, and I would still run out of room naming everyone.

@elonmusk George Santos should be speaker.

He’s a billionaire physician who’s an ex-Navy Seal that graduated top of his class from Harvard and Oxford, has won 18 Olympic gold medals, and is a guy you can trust.

@mtaibbi Setting up FBI as the straw man in @elonmusk’s false narrative on censorship. Pushing to legitimise right-wing disinformation. This is a pathetic non-story.

Witzig. Dieser Tweet wurde mir erst heute angezeigt ...

Elon Musk is an ‘employee’ at Tesla with a base salary of ,000. He answers to the board and shareholders. He cannot do as he wishes. Elon cannot stay as CEO at TESLA/TWITTER because of the @DOJPH Criminal charges & his behavior. That is the position of major shareholders.

Eine Meinung zur Geopolitik.

1/Back in 2020, it was becoming clear that Elon was going to be a problem. I spoke with many people about his trajectory and what he was up to. The conclusion we reached at the time was that he was beholden to carbon interests, and would be used to control the pace at which…

@elonmusk @stillgray Elon, @stillgray peddles in conspiracy theories. I get that your response doesn’t necessarily co-sign that ridiculous unfounded, complete lie of a tweet about the phones. But others can and do view it as an endorsement. Please exercise caution. It’s a request and not a demand❤️

@MedvedevRussiaE Dmitry Medvedev is reciting Putin’s geopolitical porn fantasy guest starring Elon Musk lol.
@nitterbot can you help with this link

@elonmusk Allowing controversy, even thru hate speech & inciting violence as maga & trump did/does, is beneficial $$$$$$$ to social media owners. It's not about humanity or free speech, it's about wanting to make more money. Trump banned reporters from press briefings, he hates facing ?s.

Because it's so outrageous, I'm going to start at the bottom of the barrel with Tucker for this thread on Zelensky's visit to DC, the Biden admin's success and failure, and the future of American support for Ukraine and global security. 1/10


Letzte Sitzungswoche. Heute morgen erstmal eigenhändig ein paar Teenie-Terroristen von Letzte Generation vor dem Bundestags-Parkhaus weggekärchert. Darauf jetzt 1 gesunden Massentierhaltungs-Powerriegel gegen den Grünen-Verbotsterror. Nehmt das, Ihr Veganer-Lappen! Frohes Fest!


Frohe Weihnachten!

🚨 BREAKING: Twitter Data Breach

Data for 400 million Twitter users are for sale. According to Alon Gal, co-Founder of Israeli cybercrime intelligence company, Hudson Rock, the data was probably obtained from an API vulnerability. Contains emails & phone numbers.

Stay safe 🙏🏻

Fröhliches Fest!

Thread 🧵
Elon Musk is a pathological liar, a charlatan and a Super Villain. I have nothing against him but as an investor in Tesla & Twitter, i have serious concerns about his long track record of lies, his treatment of staff at Tesla, SpaceX & Twitter. This thread is about that

Looks like the account wongmjane no longer exists! Call it free speech, or fake news. @horn , @gavinkarlmeier

@elonmusk @wongmjane Wasn’t “fake news” Trump’s favorite term?

When your grandma — who knows nothing about stocks and has $400 on Robinhood — tells you with high conviction that $TSLA stock is “NEVER going to recover,” you know we are getting close to the bottom.

@TomFitton @elonmusk @SenatorTester @SenatorSinema There is no invasion!!! The media and the GOP made it up, it is a humanitarian crisis and Title 42 is just kicking the can down the road. Net immigration is down and people are not gong home once expelled under Title 42 since they are fleeing death. Asylum is legal jacka$$

@kerrikgray @elonmusk @WallStreetSilv You need to read this report. His pronouncements on this subject are bizarre, misinformed, hyperbolic, self-aggrandising and dangerous. populationmatters.org/news/2022/08/p…

@IkaFerrerGotic @elonmusk @DefiantLs @Lukewearechange It isn’t ironic at all; it’s just funny if you only use first level thinking. Which is fine for jokes. However in reality of course someone could solve a problem they didn’t create.

Wenn Mayonnaise trendet, dann hat möglicherweise DiePARTEI die Finger im Spiel. Denke, dass gleich #ananas trenden wird.

@HockeyisbetterL @LucidOreo @ZaleskiLuke @elonmusk Right, so those barricades and the broken glass and folks being beat were all... what? CG? A Hollywood production?

I know you're stupid, but come on.